So, if the planners are on your back in May, if a car mows down your treasured yew hedge while on its way to (or more likely from) Glastonbury in June or if you suddenly fall out with a neighbour in July and want to blot them out, you turn to potted hedge plants. They cost more, but they fill a gap in more ways than one.
You should be able to find most of the likely suspects in containers from a specialist supplier. Garden centres have many uses (I am going to spend several hundred pounds in one tomorrow) but selling relatively large numbers of the same plant is not one of them. You do not need variety (which is what a good garden centre should provide), instead you need consistent size and quality and you want to buy plants or container grown hedges that have been grown specifically to develop into bushy hedges.
The list of plants you may want to consider would include - in alphabetical order - beech, box, escallonia, griselinia, holly, hornbeam, laurel, photinia, privet, viburnum and yew. All of these are either evergreen or hold their leaves through the winter. All grow extremely well in containers, unlike many of the more normal bare-root subjects which hate having their roots constrained. All enjoy being planted in the relatively warm soils of June - September and they all establish well from potted hedging.
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