It will be in your great interest to contact any of these financial institutions or broker firms if you want to try trading currencies. The Forex market is indeed open for everybody but you should not forget to learn the basic things involved in trading currencies before joining. At least you should have an idea of which currency to convert your money into before starting to trade.
The most active players in this industry are International banks who have a lot of reserves from the businesses and depositors like you who put your money under their care. Trading currencies is one of the strategies these banks employ to earn interest from your deposits. You don’t have to look far to get the currency you are interested in – maybe for a travel. Your own local bank may just have the currency you’re looking for. However, if they are not involved in Forex, they most likely will not have foreign currency at their disposal. You can ask your bank’s manager or you can read their public information sheets that they publish on a quarterly basis to find out if you can trade currencies with your bank.
There is no single person or institution that controls all the transactions that occurs in the Forex market. Moreover, gazillion currencies are exchanging hands from all over the world and some of these currencies are more hotly traded than others. Among these hotly traded currencies are the United States Dollars, Eurozone’s Euro, Japanese Yen, British Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, and the Australian Dollar. These are among the top currencies but the list goes on and on to cover the rest of the currencies in the world. Major markets and financial centers in Tokyo, New York, and London are among the top financial centers where currency trading happens in huge volume everyday. But each country has their own trading centers as well.

An individual who is responsible for the entire financial portfolio of another individual or another entity. A money manager receives payment in exchange for choosing and monitoring appropriate investments for the client.
Benefits of being a Money Manager with [ForexGen]:
* Providing three different commission sources.
* Weekly commission plan.
* Easy & fast commission withdrawals.
* Fixed percentage of the profits.
* P = k * D “P=Profit, k=Variable Parameter, D=Deposits”
The money manager gets a fixed percentage of the profit previously agreed upon with the client for managing the client funds as a bonus feature.
The most competitive trading conditions:
* 2 pips spread on six currency pairs.
* Providing online trading services without maintenance margin, margin call and no automatic closing of positions below the initial margin on weekdays for accounts with initial equity of up to $1 million US. The margin level have to be recognized Fridays at 23:00 CET and before public holidays.
* Leverages up to 1:200 for accounts up to $1 million US.
* Liquidity and 24/5 availability are the characteristic factors of the Forex market compared with other financial markets.
1 comment:
Hello Everybody,
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1. Most Recommended Forex Broker
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1. ForexTrendy - Recommended Probability Software.
2. EA Builder - Custom Indicators Autotrading.
3. Fast FX Profit - Secret Forex Strategy.
Hopefully these lists are benificial to you...
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