There are two major types of training materials available - eBook and video programs. What you choose is entirely up to your personal tastes.
Neither training format is any better than the other, and pricing of these courses usually does not correlate to the format of the course in question.
Those that choose eBook type courses prefer to learn by reading a book. These people often prefer to have a resource that they can print out to read away from the computer, take notes in the margins, or want to have an easy way to look up information. There is an index and table of contents available in the book that makes finding information incredibly easy.
Those that choose the video format for eCurrency training courses prefer to learn by watching someone else. These courses walk you through each step of the account set-up process to advanced eCurrency trading strategies all on-screen. It is just like the course trainer is standing over your shoulder and telling you which keys to press and which boxes to fill in.

An individual who is responsible for the entire financial portfolio of another individual or another entity. A money manager receives payment in exchange for choosing and monitoring appropriate investments for the client.
Benefits of being a Money Manager with [ForexGen]:
* Providing three different commission sources.
* Weekly commission plan.
* Easy & fast commission withdrawals.
* Fixed percentage of the profits.
* P = k * D “P=Profit, k=Variable Parameter, D=Deposits”
The money manager gets a fixed percentage of the profit previously agreed upon with the client for managing the client funds as a bonus feature.
The most competitive trading conditions:
* 2 pips spread on six currency pairs.
* Providing online trading services without maintenance margin, margin call and no automatic closing of positions below the initial margin on weekdays for accounts with initial equity of up to $1 million US. The margin level have to be recognized Fridays at 23:00 CET and before public holidays.
* Leverages up to 1:200 for accounts up to $1 million US.
* Liquidity and 24/5 availability are the characteristic factors of the Forex market compared with other financial markets.
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