Just as with stock prices, the exchange rate between currencies is constantly changing and reacting to market conditions. One Euro might be worth 1.300 USD today, but only 1.2518 USD the following day. When dealing with currency exchanges, the two currencies being traded are known as the currency pair. The base currency is the first in the currency pair and it is used when the account is set up (USD/Euro). So, if an investor was looking at the exchange rate of 1.312 USD when looking at the base pair of the Dollar/Euro - this means that it takes 1.312 USD to buy one Euro and that the dollar was used to set up this transaction.
Forex traders are always trying to anticipate the movement of exchange rates and capitalize upon those predictions. As with stocks, Forex investors can profit whenever they correctly predict moves in the exchange rates - whether they move up or down. Scalping is one of several strategies that have evolved in Forex trading.
At its simplest, scalping involves short-term movements in the exchange rates. In other words, Forex traders who use the forex scalping strategy are not in it for the long haul - in fact, this strategy may only involve investments that last a few hours - or even minutes. Scalpers pay very special attention to market indicators that specifically affect Forex rates.
Exchange rates tend to fluctuate based upon economic and political news events - on both the national and international levels. There are several key indicators that scalpers (or any Forex trader) pay special attention to before investing and many of them involve government statistics, including the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rate, unemployment figures, trade balance reports, inflation, and interest rate announcements.
The reason that most currency markets rely so heavily upon government statistics is because they are both accurate and reliable indicators of economic strength or weakness. The statistics are compiled and analyzed using very complex formulas that are nearly impossible to manipulate. These government figures are both transparent and generally available to everyone at the same time - so there is a general sense that the currency market is an even playing field for both large and small investors. These statistics are generally released around the same time every month (with the exception of figures that are released quarterly, like the GDP) and distributed by all the major players, such as Reuters, Bloomberg, CNBC, etc.
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You are encouraged to contact the dealing room by phone ONLY in these situations:
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