This form of hit and run trading is more popular than ever.
Let’s look at how it works.
Well firstly, it doesn’t work at all and will doom your trading to failure – Any trader who day trades or tries to scalp profits loses – PERIOD.
Here we will explain why.
Data is meaningless.
If you are studying charts you need to get the odds in your favour.
This is of course not possible in day trading as all volatility is random and prices can and do go anywhere.
This is obvious when you have millions of people trading trillions of dollars daily.
If you don’t have data that can help you get the odds in your favour then it is pointless applying any technical indicator.
Moving averages, support and resistance and pivot points which are useful tools for longer term trading simply don’t work in day trading.
There only good tools if you feed them with the right data! And day trading doesn’t do that.
Scalping the market is doomed to failure and it’s made even worse by the fact it ignores the fundamental rule of investing:
Run your profits to cover your inevitable losses.
You are going to have losses even the top traders have them, but you must keep them small and day trading or scalping FOREX markets does this and it of course has a lot of them!
FOREX scalping by its very nature doesn’t run profits.
So what do you end up with?
A lot of small profits ( and when your lucky enough to have a winner and it is down to luck) then you get a minor profits which can NEVER cover your losses.
FOREX scalping end up not with the trader scalping regular profits but the trader getting scalped for his entire equity.
FOREX scalping is illogical, based on meaningless data and doomed to failure.
If you want to trade avoid day trading unless of course you want to lose all your equity quickly.
Partnership With ForexGen
ForexGen offers three types of business partnerships:
* Introducing Broker
* White label
* Money Manager
ForexGen Introducing Brokers, White Label and Money Manager holders are recognized as a strategic business partners. The main focus of our service is to satisfy our partner's needs in order to deal with a qualified service and gain a huge income sharing plan.
ForexGen provide appropriate services satisfying the needs of all business partner's specified situation and requirements.
1 comment:
Hey Everyone,
I've included a list of the highest ranking FOREX brokers:
1. Best Forex Broker
2. eToro - $50 min. deposit.
Here is a list of the best forex instruments:
1. ForexTrendy - Recommended Odds Software.
2. EA Builder - Custom Indicators Autotrading.
3. Fast FX Profit - Secret Forex Strategy.
I hope you find these lists beneficial...
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